Command Line Options

The EventGhost main executable accepts the following command line arguments:


If you started EventGhost with elevated privileges you must also run all further commands with elevated privileges.

-event <eventname> [<payload> ...]

Issues the event <eventname> in the currently running EventGhost instance. Optionally you can specify one or more <payload> strings, that will be added to the event in the eg.event.payload field.

-e <eventname> [<payload> ...]

Shorter alias for the -event option.


Starts EventGhost hidden in the system tray. Otherwise it would start in the state it had when it was closed.


Shorter alias for the -hide option.

-file <filename>

Opens the XML configuration file <filename> on start-up (instead of the last loaded file).

-f <filename>

Shorter alias for the -file option.

-n <host>:<port> <password> <eventname> [<payload> ...]

This one is similar to the -event option, but sends the event <eventname> through TCP/IP like the ‘Network Event Sender’ plugin does. It will not start EventGhost, so it can be used as a little helper tool for other applications or .BAT files to send events to a remote machine. <host> has to be the IP or host name of the target machine. <port> and <password> are the options that you have configured on the target machine’s ‘Network Event Receiver’ plugin.


Starts EventGhost’s translation editor.

-configdir <directory>

Instructs EventGhost to use the directory <directory> to store and retrieve its settings. Without this option EventGhost uses a directory in the application data folder of your machine for storing its settings. For example, through this option you can change the folder to a location on a USB stick to make EventGhost portable.